Midea Air-con App Design

During a dynamic two-month internship, I led UX design of three features for a digital air conditioner application. My primary responsibilities including created prototypes and wireframes that laid the foundation for these new features.

My Role

Wire-framing and Prototyping

Responsible for visualize the new features from user feedbacks to the wireframes and interactable prototypes.

User Test Assistant

Responsible for assisted the User researcher conducted users test, and iterated the prototype according to user test result.




Midea Air Conditioner Develop Team


June 2022 to Aug 2022

Contribution 1:

Optimized the Air Conditioner “Smart Heath Check” Process

Based on the PRD, I create clickable prototype:

  • Streamlined the "Smart Health Check" by introducing a comprehensive one-step evaluation to identify potential issues with the air conditioner.

  • Simplified access to "door-to-door" repair services, allowing users to request assistance with a single click.

“Smart Health Check” Partial Prototype

Contribution 2:

Ux Design New Feature “Five-Dimensional Integration”

"Five-Dimensional Integration" Prototype

Within Two Weeks, I

  • Rapidly created wireframes and prototypes of the features.

  • Delivered the clickable prototype to support the user testing.

  • Iterated the prototype based on feedback from user testing.

Contribution 3:

Optimized "Sleep Assistant" Feature

  • Prototype the the onboarding process to gather user preferences, ensuring an optimal experience with the sleep assistant.

  • Developed and presented wireframes and prototypes for the latest version of the "Sleep Assistant".

"Sleep Assistance" On-boarding Prototype


The experience in Midea made me hold an insistent faith on become a Ux Designer. It was the excited when I witnessed my design shipped to the market and impacted millions of users.

01 Close the Knowledge Gap

Before joining Midea, my understanding of the IoT industry was minimal. However, upon being assigned my first project on day one, I proactively sought insights from colleagues across various departments, including developers, product managers, and UX Researchers. Through engaging discussions with team members, I bridged my knowledge gap within the initial week.

02 Grew in a Fast Pace Environment

At Midea, the fast-paced environment threw me into the deep end, especially with a project that had to hit the market in just two months. This left me with just two weeks for prototyping, user testing, and making changes. This period was immensely pressure-filled, but looking back, I can't believe how much I learned and grew in those crazy two weeks.

Midea Id and Air Conditioner Develop Team

Midea Id and Air Conditioner Develop Team

Midea Id and Air Conditioner Develop Team

Midea Id and Air Conditioner Develop Team

Read more of my case studies
Read more of my case studies