Tale of Empathy

The Tale of Empathy is a system designed for Scotland residents to shape connections within the communities. The primary goal of this product is to tackle loneliness and prevent chronic loneliness by facilitating the interaction between residents, and community-based social supports.


Mix-method Research

Perform both primary and secondary research, including literature review, Interview, card-sorting, observation, user test, etc.

Product Design

Delivery two outcome, including a board game and a web app.


Figma/Miro/Adobe Illustrator


Individual Project


May 2023 to Sep 2023

Define the Problem

Where this Project Happen?

This study predominately carried out research in Moray county Highland Scotland, where findings indicated an increase in people who feel lonely, signifying a requirement for enhancing the quality of life by tacking this issues.

Map of Moray County

Ecosystem Mapping - to Understand What is Happening

I mapped out the interventions available social support, and various features affecting loneliness within an ecosystem mapping to develop a further research plan for this project.I divided the elements into five dimensions - mental health, environment, technology, medical health, and social.

I found there are lots of research indicating that social support interventions have a significant impact on addressing loneliness.

Ecosystem Mapping of Intervention about Loneliness

Then, two questions came to my mind:

  1. What community-based social support interventions are currently available in the Highland Scotland community?

  1. Why there are so many social interventions helping, but people still feel lonely?

The Project Goal:

Close the gap between service provider and service users, motivate people who feel lonely participate the social activities or ask for help.

The Problem I Solved for This Project :

Why do they meet 100 people daily but still feel lonely?

From the research, I found people who lack confidence and belongingness could be at a higher risk of experiencing loneliness. Even though one can see and talk to many people daily, confidence and a sense of belonging act like a barrier to stop people from forming friendships.

Solution 1:

Tale of Empathy Board Game

A Board Game Fosters Communication

Based on the insights and concepts developed from the research, I designed a board game placed within various social activities for social and chat purposes. This board game aims to foster communication and develop connections among players.

Solution 2:

A Web App Breakdown the Information Gap, and Increased Accessibility

I designed a website that includes various services and activities within the local communities. This website provides information based on the user's emotions, needs, and interests.

Meet and Play Web App

Primary Research

To Gain Answer for the Question I Have During the Previous Secondary Research Stage, I Adopted the Triangulation Research Method to Discover the Community's Loneliness Problem.

Challenge for Research:

Target users are invisible? How did I seek the user?

During the research phase, one of the biggest challenges I faced was the target audience - people who felt lonely all the time, they could be disconnected from the community. Meanwhile, the community in Highland Scotland was new to me, I didn't have many connections with the local community. How can I interview and interact with this group of people?

Solution 1:

Participating "The Coffee Morning"

Engaged Local Community's Social Activities

By conducting the field study, secondary research, and talking to residents, I found some local social activities. I participated in various social activities, not only to network and talk to potential stakeholders but also to practice observation on the content of activities and services.

Solution 2:

I Might not be Able to Find the Invisible User, But I can Find the Stakeholders Related to Them

I conducted interviews to talk to people who had worked to tackle loneliness for years, including social workers, researchers, organization leaders, etc. Their experience and stories provided many insights.

Interview Stakeholders

Understand the Unmet Needs

Key Insights

Identify Design Opportunities

To pinpoint potential areas for design improvement, I charted the journey of the users. This process fostered a deeper understanding of the different stages involved in participating in social activities. Two such opportunities for design arose.

The Ideation Process:

Co-Design Workshop

As a design researcher and a product designer, I am not an expert of game design nor a psychologist understanding loneliness in-depth. I host a co-design workshop to design with board game designer, and psychology expert, to ensure the outcome meet the need of users.

Card-sorting co-design workshop

Design Opportunity 1: A Tool Foster Conversation


I employed card sorting as a method to identify the types of board games, their critical features, and the situations in which they are suitable for play, in collaboration with the co-designers.

Design Opportunity 2: A Platform Provide Social Services and Activities Information

Concept Review

The original concept for the web application was to convert it into a kiosk for individuals to access social services within communal areas. I designed a prototype and had it critiqued by the co-designer during our workshop. Based on the suggestions received, I transformed the kiosk into a web-based application.

Web App Iteration Process


Board Game

The game’s board allows the players to have fun and form connections playing a board game, moving from different squares depending on the dice number they roll.

“To be honest” Card

These questions lead players to share their stories, thoughts, and personalities.

“A story of us” Cards

Adopts illustrations to engage players to narrate a story of themselves based on the image they draw.

“Yes, and" Cards

These cards required the players within the same team to cooperate in developing a story.

Community Services Information Web App

I designed a web app that works as a platform to inform the available social services and social activities, aimed to increase the accessibility of information.

Recommend the Services According to Users' Mood

The web app will recommend social activities or social services according to users' moods.

Sign up for Board Game Session

The web app offers details on board game locations, allows user registration, and supports the printing of selected game characters and sessions.

Social Activities Information

Interest is a key motivation for people experiencing loneliness, the web app provides social activities for users.

Health and Well-being Information

Users can explore health and wellness resources through social services, as those battling feelings of isolation may require interaction with care-providing organizations.