Virtual Course Management Platform

Enhance intellectual property protection, improve student experience, and boost staff productivity.


Aces Education, an educational institution specializing in offering mentorship to students in design, media, communication, and marketing, had to shift their offline lectures to an online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This move, however, posed a risk to the protection of the client's intellectual property.


UX Researcher

Implemented surveys and interviews to ascertain users & client requirements, and to identify the problem areas of the current system in use by clients.

UX Designer

Responsible for delivery wireframe and prototype design.


Figma/ Figjem


Product Manager, Product Designer


Nov 2023 - Mar 2024 (Design)


Meet the Users

The primary users of the Aces Education SaaS platform include students, staff, and instructors. The platform has two user interfaces: one for students, and another for staff and instructors.

Previous Website

Admin End

The main functions of manager end including manage the courses, monitor the students' statues and enrolled students for the course.

Student End

The principal element in the student end showcases a list of course videos. Students watch their enrolled courses' videos in their end.

GIF: Admins End of Old Aces Education Web

GIF: Students End of Old Aces Education Web

Note: Due to confidentiality, this project will not display the full functionality of the previous design. Contact me for more information.


Increase Intellectual Property Protection

Impact: This project resulted in an 80% improvement in online resource security for Aces Education. Empowered managers to monitor usage more effectively and ensure content protection.

Admins End User Work Productivity

Impact: Boosted admin user productivity by understanding their workflow and tasks, providing assistance with course, student, and resource management.

Students Users Experience

Impact: Enhanced student user satisfaction by streamlining the platform, removing unnecessary features, and focusing on fulfilling the core needs of student users.


Students share paid educational resources, with one paying and distributing the content to others to split costs

At Aces Education, students began sharing access to paid educational resources, such as course videos and materials. This unauthorized sharing of resources became increasingly common, becoming a significant threat to Aces Education’s revenue by undermining the value of their paid content and reducing overall sales.


Monitors and reports the suspicious video plays activities

Frequent repetition of a course video could suggest it's being shared with multiple people. As a result, letting the admins know about unusual viewing patterns can help spot and fix these issues quickly.

Security log-in & watermark protection

  • By using WeChat as the only login method, which requires real-name verification, Aces Education can keep an eye on user activity and boost security.

  • Adding a watermark that shows the user's WeChat ID during videos helps stop unauthorized sharing and makes it easier to trace any leaks.


Productivities of the Teams

Aces Education, despite being a small team of three staff members, manages over 500 students. On a daily basis, team members face a wide range of student requests, which presents significant challenges to their workflow.

The lack of an effective management platform not only reduces productivity but also exacerbates the difficulty in handling the diverse needs of students, leaving staff overwhelmed and under strain.


Qualitative Interview

I spoke with each staff member and teachers to gain insight into their responsibilities, challenges, and daily workflows. Each staff member experienced varying levels of stress due to the high volume of students and the low usability of the existing management platform.

“With all of the communication over WeChat, it's a tedious task as an Admin to manage over 500 student, and handle their various requirements.”

Customers Support

“ Scheduling courses, and coordinating with lecturers about their schedules are time-consuming tasks. With four different types of courses and a highly complex management platform, these processes become even more challenging.”

General Manager

“ As I have over 12 courses, uploading the course materials is killing me, this platforms is so difficult to use. ”




  • Over 500 students is using the systems, it is challenging for the staffs and lecturers to talk to each students

  • WeChat is used as a primary tools for communication.

Courses Management

  • Staffs spend most of their daily work time on scheduling and arranging the courses between teachers and students.

  • Time consuming on managing the courses videos.

  • The system adopted is over complicated.


Streamlining the Courses Management Use Flow

After understanding the workflows of both staff and teachers and monitoring their behaviors with the previous management system, I streamlined the work flow by:

  • Eliminating unnecessary pages and features that burdened their work

  • Prioritizing the most frequently used features